Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving. I have been super busy here with the kids and everything. We celebrated thanksgiving with donny's family and the Friday after went to the mountains with them to get christmas trees. Our house is officially ready for christmas with the tree up and decorated and lights on the house and everything. The hard part is keeping the kids from messing with the decorations. I only decorated the top of my tree with ornaments and Daniel still stands there holding onto the tree and reaching for ornaments.
I quit driving school bus cause it was too much with the kids and being pregnant with the third. So that helped slow things down alittle. But we are traveling to both California and Iowa this year for christmas all with in two weeks of each other. So we'll be glad when the holiday season is over and things slow down. Wait . . . what am I saying. Things won't slow down for quite awhile for us. Anyway. Wishinng all of you a belated Happy Thanksgiving and hope you are having fun getting ready for the Holidays!!

Daniel was 11 months on Nov. 19 and is officially walking. He took his first steps around 10 months and has slowly improved since then. Everyday he walks more and more and gets better. Here is a picture of him with his new shoes and he is not sure about walking in them but gets better everytime he has them on too. He looks like a big boy with shoes on.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Princess Pumpkin

Donny's sister's like to carve pumpkins for Halloween but since Hannah is too young his mom bought her this "Mr. Potato Head" kit for her pumpkin. It is a princess - Hannah's favorite. She was so proud of it.