Friday, September 19, 2008

Nicolas is 4 months old

Nicolas weighed 15 lbs 15 oz and was 25 inches long today at his 4 month checkup. We didn't do his shots because he is sick so the doctor gave him antibiotics instead. We'll have to go back next week to do the shots. I looked back at Daniel's stats at this age and when he was 2 months old and Daniel was a pound heavier at both ages and 1 inch longer than Nicolas at this age. It is fun to see how they each grow and develop differently. Hannah was our baby girl for a long time (partly cause she started so small) and the boys are growing up over night.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Here is the newest addition to the Gaalswyk family. We have been so busy since our trip to Iowa I haven't even mentioned him. The kids and I were in Iowa when he was born and I was bummed because it was the first baby born into our immediate family on donny's side since we've been married (except for ours:)) and I wasn't even here to see Darlene in the hospital. But Kole Henry was born on August 16. Our new nephew. So here are a couple of pictures of him with us. Hannah loves babies. She is always laying by him and putting his pacifier in when he cries and wants to hold him, just like she did when Nicolas was littler.

But Nicolas will be 4 months old tomorrow (18th) and so he is not so little anymore and she cannot hold him that well anymore especially since he wiggles alot. We have his 4 month check up on friday and will let you know the stats then but here are a couple of the lastest pictures of him. He sleeps 10 -12 hours at night, loves to laugh and be talked to - especially by hannah and daniel, and is growing like a weed. He is not quite sitting yet, although he is getting much stronger. He gets rolled to his side, half way from his back to his stomach.

Our days just got lots busier. Hannah started preschool this week. A little late starting but she finally showed potty wise that she was ready. I wanted her to go this year cause with the two other ones at home it is hard to sit and work with her on anything - even coloring since daniel is into everything. Hannah is excited about school, she goes 3 mornings a week which is about perfect for her.

Daniel does not want to take naps lately and so even if he doesn't sleep he is in his room for at least a half an hour or he goes with his dad so mom can have a little break. He is all boy and into trucks big time. My mom bought him a little backhoe when we were in Iowa in August and he carries that thing everywhere, he even takes it in the bathtub and tries to take it to bed with him:) He always points out every truck that goes by, especially now that it is chopping season.

Days fly by with these 3 little ones to keep a mom busy, so I will keep you updated as much as possible. We pray you (our family and friends) are all doing well.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fun at the Fair

The Twin Falls County Fair went on this weekend and we went a few days. We watched cousin Alicia show her sheep one day and Hannah went on rides with her cousin. Then I took the kids to the petting zoo one day. Daniel loved all the animals. Then Sunday night we went to the Demolition Derby with Donny's family. He stayed home with Nicolas but Hannah and Daniel liked the cars running into each other.

Daniel and I at the derby.