Saturday, April 17, 2010

New adventure

My husband recently quit his job of 13 plus years at his family dairy and bought a truck with his friend. They are going to do long haul trucking. The dairies have been slow with the economy and they thought they would do this for a few years. So of course Daniel and Nicolas are thrilled about dad's new truck. Here are a few pictures.

Monday, April 12, 2010


The kids enjoyed coloring real eggs, easter egg hunting, and learning the true meaning of Easter at church on Easter morning. We missed the local easter egg hunt because it snowed. But they got one in at our friends' house where we enjoyed our easter meal.
Easter outfits from Grandma F. (as you can see Hannah was thrileld to take this picture).
Easter egg hunting.

More easter eggs. Looks like Daniel is way ahead.
Easter outfits from Grandma G.
Coloring easter eggs. Nicolas is a little to young to get into this and mostly just enjoyed smashing the hard boiled egg and making a mess.