Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Finally . . .

Sorry I haven't put any pictures on for awhile but I got a new internet provider and so my computer is finally working better. So here are some new pictures of Nicolas and the kids. Nicolas is doing really good. He is growing so much and is starting to get little rolls everywhere. He slept 6 hours last night - yeah! So hopefully we are on our way to all night.

Here is Nicolas sleeping on Hannah. Hannah is finally potty trained. We still have a few accidents and wear pull-ups at night but definately see the light at the end of the long tunnel. She loves to help and hold and kiss him.
My mom was such a help while she was here it was awesome. I told her that I was use to the 3 before she came and then her help was amazing that when she went home I about pulled my hair out the day she left cause I had to get use to the 3 of them by myself again. We are settling in though to life with 3 little ones. It is nice to have Donny around to help to get through dinner and bathes cause that is usually a fussy time for Nicolas.
Daniel has gotten use to Nicolas and now even tries to take him from me to hold him.

All ready for church.
Hannah was in a wedding on June 7 for Donny's cousin. She was a flower girl and was really cute and did a great job. I was so proud of her.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nicolas is growing!

I weighed Nicolas last week just to see how much he is growing and he weighed 10 1/2 lbs already. I couldn't believe he is gaining at a rate of 1 lb a week. I tried to upload pictures but my internet is not working great. So I will keep trying and hopefully have some new pictures for you soon.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My mom is here to visit for 10 days so the kids have been showing off. The one picture they are wearing her shoes. Nicolas is growing too. He is more alert and awake quite a bit during the day.