Friday, February 22, 2008

Trip to California & Bunk beds

Hannah and Daniel got new bunk beds. We did this cause the room was too small to have two twin beds in it. Daniel is not sleeping in it yet but will be by the time the baby comes. But Hannah loves sleeping on top.
Hannah's first build-a-bear experience. She is getting it for her birthday from great grandma and grandpa Gaalswyk.

Decided last minute to take a quick trip to california. My sister-in-law wanted to go to look for baby furniture and asked me and the kids to go. We thought we were flying in Pakka's (donny's grandpa) airplane but we soon found out that since his plane is not pressurized that us pregnant girls could not fly due to the possibility it might break our waters. So we drove 10hrs one way, leaving Tuesday a.m. and return Friday p.m. but she got her furniture bought and the great grandparents loved seeing the kids. And they are pretty good travelers since we do it so much. Here is picture of them in the van.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Sunday we went snowmobiling and took Hannah and Daniel. It was their first time for both of them to go. We tried to take hannah when she was about 9 months and she screamed the whole time so I ended up sitting in the pickup with her. But yesterday was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and no wind. So they were both perfect. Daniel slept most of the time. There is probably 10 feet of snow where we were. Hope you have a good Valentine's day this week!

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Today is a beautiful day. I walked outside with the kids in the stroller at 10 am. It was 40 degrees already. Finally the snow is melting and it isn't snowing more. We have had record snow fall for us in the valley here this winter. Here are the kids in the bathtub. They usually always take a bath together and sometimes my floor is wetter than they are.

Here is my climbing boy. Alot of people ask me how I am feeling with this pregnancy and I am feeling fine pregnant wise but I am getting nervous for the third to come and have 2 boys. Daniel is all boy and into everything as you can see. So it makes me nervous for the baby coming. I will definately be busy. He is also a big boy now because he uses sippy cups. No more bottles.

I started taking a medical terminology course online to get a certificate for medical transcriptionists. So I have been studying alot lately. Donny walked into the living room one night and found Hannah like this and busted up laughing cause she looked just like me studying. Pretty Funny! She is also well on her way to being potty trained. We have been working at it for 4 weeks. A slow process when she is stubborn:)