Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wow - time flies!

I cannot believe it has been 2 months since I posted anything. I guess we have been busy. We moved in November to a newer home closer to town. We have lots more room now with 4 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths and a nice office for me to work in. We are really enjoying it.

Then came the holidays that I cannot believe just flew by. We celebrated Christmas in Iowa last weekend with quick trip there and back (18 hours of driving both ways) but we had lots of fun. It was great to see my family. The kids got lots of presents, Donny enjoyed a break from work, and I had lots of fun playing games like the good days with my siblings. Here are a few pictures. We also celebrated Daniel's birthday here before we left and in Iowa.

Uncle Adam pulled the kids in the snow. We were glad we went to Iowa when we did cause they just had a blizzard with 17 inches of snow and 5 foot drifts. But the kids had fun in the 8 inches they already had.

The family is growing. (from left to right) Back: My older brother Adam, Leah's boyfriend Isaac, My sister Leah, My sister-in-law Anna married to my little brother Noah, Donny, and Nicolas. Front: My sister-in-law Robin married to Adam, their sons stetsen and Everett, My mom, Jasper (of Adam and Robin), my dad, Daniel, Me, and Hannah.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall time

The Hannah and Daniel painted pumpkins while Nicolas had fun trying to carry one around. They love it when mom builds a pile of leaves and they can jump in them and through them around.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hair Cut

Hannah and I went to get our hair trimmed today and she wanted me to go first. Meanwhile she was busy using the ladies other scissors to cut her own hair. So the beautician fixed it as good as she could. She is still really cute but with just shorter hair and it could have been a lot worse.
The kids are excited for halloween but a little early.
Daniel dressed in new pajamas and tool set from Grandma F.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New house

I added pictures but did not comment on them so I guess I better so you all know what the pictures are of. We bought our first home on the edge of Buhl. We are excited to have a little more with with an extra bedroom and office. We hope to move in a few weeks.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fair time

We took the kids to the county fair today. They had fun riding on some rides, petting animals in the petting zoo, eating cotton candy, eating corn dogs, and we even saw an alligator wrestler.

Family fun

My mom, sister Leah, brother Noah, and his wife Anna came to visit us for a week. We had lots of fun swimming in the pool, boating one day, we went to Sun Valley hiking one day, and just hanging out and spending some time together.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day at the Zoo

Donny and I took the kids to the zoo today in Boise. It was a hot but fun day. The kids really enjoyed seeing the different animals in person but it was kind of hard to explain what to look for to them if the animal was hard to find. I think their favorites were the tigers and monkeys. It definitely wore us all out and all but daddy took a nap on the way home.

Day at the Beach

I took the kids to a little lake by Twin Falls the other day. It is pretty nice and gives them all something to do. There is a fence as you can see in the shallow area, which is nice to keep the kids from going to deep and drowning. Plus Nicolas loves to eat the sand:)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time Flies!

I cannot believe the last update I did was for the 4th and this week is the end of the month already. Where does the time go? But with 3 little ones you definitely stay busy. We have had a long week of sick kids and when mom gets sick - it is always not good. I tell my husband that I do not have time to get sick. Anyways, the kids are swimming their summer away. We have a pool in the backyard that I have a hard time keeping Hannah and Daniel out of. I call Hannah my brown bear cause she is so tan. So here are a couple of pictures of them swimming and one of them making playdough with cousin Rachel from California cause they went to swim but it started storming.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We hope all of you had a great 4th of July. We had a good day as a family. We went to the local parade in the a.m. Then we helped daddy do some of his work. Then we had a camp fire for the first time with the kids and roasted hotdogs and had smores. We had a few fireworks but Nicolas didn't like any of them. There are also a couple of pictures of the kids at the pool. They love to swim and are little brown bears.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Southern Discomfort

Donny and I went to a motorcycle rally in Elko, NV this weekend with our friends. We had 14 motorcycles in our group. We had a pretty good time except for the rain. Not much fun riding motorcycles in the rain. The patch is what we all have on our vests and what our group calls ourselves.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prayer Request

I am sending out a prayer request for my uncle Ken and his family as they surround him during his last few days after an 8-year battle with Multiple Myeloma (bone cancer). He has stopped eating and has extremely low blood and platelet counts. His family has all gathered and are praying and sharing memories. Thank you.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Trip to Iowa - June 2009

The kids and I flew to see my parents last week. We had a good time. The hardest part was the airplane rides there and back. Imagine traveling alone with 3 kids 4 and under and 2 of them being boys : ). Yikes! Anyways, we made it and while we were there we celebrated Nicolas' 1st birthday. So here are a couple of pictures of him enjoying cake and the cake I decorated for him.

The girls went out for lunch one day and here we are. Robin, Anna, Leah, mom, and me.

The kids with great-grandma F.

The Fedders cousins.

Daniel and Stesten. (Both 2 1/2 years old)

Hannah and Everett (Both 4 years old).

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kids' Picture

I am in Iowa visit my parents and we had the kids' pictures taken. I thought I would share. They are growing so fast.